Ellis girls are known for an intellectual sparkle that stems from knowing many different things. It’s cool here to think about big ideas.
Ellis girls are known for an intellectual sparkle that stems from knowing many different things. It’s cool here to think about big ideas.
Ellis’ demanding writing program is central to every student finding her voice. Instead of focusing on grammar and mechanics, Ellis concentrates on organizing thoughts into coherent and persuasive arguments. Our high school papers incorporate college-level thinking.
Integrated Studies builds with a new focus each year (self, community, outside world, capstone) and culminates in a “passion project” that combines all her interests. Seniors create their own projects outside the school—settling refugees through nonprofits, painting educational murals in hospitals, and more.
Each grade learns the life skills that research shows builds strong girls. Topics include public speaking, health and wellness, financial planning, college search and test prep, and more.
After final exams in mid-May, students complete individual projects, travel, and explore potential passions through mini-courses designed by teachers, students, and outside experts.
Required “college prep” core curriculum—with courses ranging from engineering to art history—delivers broader exposure. Students lean heavily on electives to explore their passions and delve deeper into subjects that intrigue them most.
Every student has her own PC laptop (or she can use her own laptop). By the time your student graduates, she’ll be skilled in using three different computer platforms to leverage her learning.
Most students take AP Calculus. All take courses in computer science, engineering, and technology tools and software.
Digital Studio is required in ninth grade. Programming electives range from intro courses to AP Computer Science.